Full Marathon Training


My 2nd full marathon training started.  It used to be much easier on myself when training on half marathons but doing a training for a full marathon is just something else.


Pace is important to know your own pace. Go to a track and jog an easy lap or two for a warmup. Walk for three to four minutes. Then time yourself running four laps, which is about one mile. Don’t run all out; just push a little faster than you usually do. Record your time.

Heart-rate monitor to train and race at the best pace for you. No matter what type of runner you are beginner, intermediate, or advanced a heart-rate monitor will help you train more effectively. The best way to find your maximum heart rate is to do the following formula:

MHR=205 – (.5 x your age)

Essential Steps as to well rested, well hydrated, eat healthy, and well warm up.

Run 4 times a week yes mainly 3 during the week of 30 to 45 minutes and on the weekend do your long runs.

First 2 weeks of training start with 3 miles

I love to do as much as running, I’m taking a fitness class and going to the gym sporadically, but my daily sweat is still running. Most days are pretty short and easy, and I don’t beat myself up if I miss a day.

I hope this helps you in some way. Tell me what’s next for you!

Any questions you want answered?

Happy Training!








I am so excited that you are here and I can’t wait to share my journey with you!

But who am I, you ask?

Well, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lorena Martinez, I’m 42 years old living & learning everyday.


I am learning more, craving more adventure, more love, more health, more knowledge. More! Just plain and simple more! Which is why I enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. (Interested? Just follow the link to their website!)


Watch this short video for an introduction to what the program is all about!

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) is a year-long program that most students complete online. The program covers around 100 Dietary Theories along with its concepts of Primary Food and Secondary Food. Primary Food being our relationships, spirituality, career, and exercise. Secondary Food being the actual food we consume.


In this blog you can expect to see my experiences as I learn more of all that Primary & Secondary Food have to offer. I plan on sharing my experience as I continue to make my health and happiness my priority.


So what kind of post should you plan on seeing?

Well, if it’s part of me changing my life and challenging myself in new ways (whether it be with food, exercise, or a new adventure) then you will probably see it here!

Who knows: maybe we will conquer some fears in the process!

The relationship I have with food this would be a big thing, we will get into that in an upcoming post though.

Once again welcome to Live & Learn my excitement for this new chapter is unexplainable.

Cheers to Future!
